Golf Blog

Broadcast at The Brawl

One of the things that I have missed dearly over the past year is live golf events. Sure, you can survive without the thrill of high five-ing a stranger when a tour player rolls in a birdie putt. However, the absence of such connections becomes immediately apparent when human interaction is dramatically reduced. There is a certain bond and comradely that happens at these gatherings and it makes a difference in your quality of life. It lifts the human spirit and makes an individual feel that they are a part of a much larger and greater purpose. In a sense, it gives our lives meaning.

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Florida Man

The best part about not living in Florida is that you are able to experience Florida in small doses. You aren’t actually a Florida man, but you can pretend to be one for a weekend. The challenge is selecting the ideal destination for your “Florida Man” activities. What sort of activities are you looking for? What sort of scenes do you want to enjoy? I decided to hit the internet and do some Florida Man research.

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The Southern Indiana Golf Trail

On a quiet evening back in 2019, Pete Nelson with Visit Bloomington was quietly lounging on his couch while watching Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift on Netflix. During a particularly sick drift scene, Pete received a special visit from the golf gods. They whispered of a mystical vision about a hidden golf trail into his ear. This special trail dripped with golf delights and birdie treats. The spirits told of a magical land where the putts rolled even more majestically than the rolling hills. The land that they spoke of was something called the Southern Indiana Golf Trail.

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Pure Insurance Championship impacting First tee

Whenever I get the chance to raise money for First Tee, I get pretty excited. When that opportunity requires me to spend a week at Pebble Beach, I get even more excited. So when I was asked to be the social media host for the Pure Insurance Championship Impacting First Tee, I was approaching record high levels of enthusiasm. I ran some quick math on the exhilaration ratios and came up with a number of 124.5 on a 50 point scale. As far as made up math goes, even Bryson DeChambeau would agree that these are wildly impressive numbers.

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