When I created the RGV Tour, I made a mandatory rule that I would only work with companies and individuals that I genuinely liked and found necessary for success. Success to me is determined by playing more golf courses in 365 days than any other human in the history of time. Physical health was placed as a priority and I needed to stay in top physical condition for this dream to become a reality.
One of my key partners in making this journey successful was Stewart Golf. My Q follow from Stewart golf literally takes the load off of my back. With long days of walking 36 holes, this was a natural partnership that would prove invaluable to me over time.
Over the course of this world record attempt, I have forged a strong bond with my Q follow. The connection has gone strong enough that I have given him a name… Stewie. Sometimes I call him Stew Dog or the ole Stew man.
Stewie is not your normal push cart or even a normal motorized cart. Stewie is able to follow me everywhere that I go. I simply use the remote control paired with Stew to put him into follow mode and he follows my every move. For the tight spots, I like to take him out of follow mode and put him into remote operation. I then send Stew wherever I want him to go. He is my own personal caddie and he carries out all of my dirty deeds.
Stewie is equipped with a state of the art Q Series Smart Power battery that gives him the strength to hang with me for 36 holes. This is exactly the sort of endurance that is required on The RGV Tour 2.0. A world record is going to be established and we can’t have any wimps on this road. He also rocks the turf in style with some sick rims.
The microcellular composite material used to make Stewie also has a high density skin that makes him stiffer and stronger than traditional carts. Simply put, Stewie is a total beast that should not be messed with. In a rare meeting on the course between Stewie and one of his competitors, Stew Dog flew into a fit of jealous rage and rammed the opposing cart sending the opposition sprawling out sideways across the fairway. I casually apologized to my friend as we tended to the business of picking up his fallen comrade. “My apologies Tim, Stewie likes to own the fairway.”
As the days grew into months and the course count climbed higher, Stewie and I compiled some magical times together. From the very first day at Desert Island Country Club to our time at Bethpage, Stewie and I have rocked the American golf landscape with high prestige. The RGV Tour would have been much more of a grind without my good friend.
The road to greatness has not been without its troubles and Stew and I have gotten into our fair share of tight situations. When we reached Boston, Stewie had been grinding hard for months on end. It was time for Myopia Hunt Club and course #339. I sensed that Stewie might be at his breaking point emotionally. He had put in countless hours of drudgery with no real reward for his efforts.
“Just over this bridge right here, Stewie.” I encouraged my faithful friend as we rolled down the 7th fairway. Stewie marched forward as usual, but in that moment something came over my man on the bag. Perhaps it was exhaustion, perhaps a lack of concentration on my part, but once Stewie reached the halfway point of the bridge, he made a hard right and plunged head first into the murky water of Myopia. “Stewie NOOOO!” I exclaimed as I jumped in the water to rescue Stew from a watery grave.
When I pulled him from the depths, he was wet but Stew appeared unfazed by the incident. Was it a cry for help? Was he looking for some attention? Or maybe he was just hot? I dried him off and not a word was said. Stewie had made a statement and with a quick glance into each others golfing souls, we knew that the golf must go on. As quickly as he had went into the water, Stew marched forward with a fresh outlook on the golf life.
“What a warrior,” I murmured under my breath as we carried on towards the 7th green.
The legend of Stew speeds along at Lake Merced Golf Club on a crisp December afternoon in San Francisco, CA.
Shortly after the incident at Myopia. Stewie and I crossed the finish line and played course #450 together to set a new world record for the most 18 hole golf courses played in 365 days. This was Stew’s first time on the local news and I could tell that he was nervous when I pulled him out of his bunk that morning. Stewie got a fresh scrub down that morning to ensure that he would shine on the 6 o’clock news. As expected, Stewie blew the lid off of the channel 9 news in Denver and my guy Stewie and I took control of the a new world record order.
On Valentines Day in the year of 2024, Stewart Golf and myself made a little tribute to Stewie and I’s romance over the past year. He is truly the best friend that a golfer could ask for. What started as a partnership has turned into one of the greatest golf love stories of a generation. Be sure to check out the full lineup of Stewart Golf carts and find your very own love connection today.
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