Golf Blog

The Creation of Laguna Beach National

As a junior golfer in Fort Wayne Indiana, it was a dream of mine to own my very own backyard putting green. It was such a priority for me as a 10 year old kid that I mowed a circle in our backyard in order to create some sort of “putt-able” surface. My results were not very successful. However, I was able to shave down a 5 foot stick with my pocket knife and dig a hole in the middle of that circle. I hurried into the kitchen, grabbed a paper towel for a flag and put my newly created pin flag into the “putting green” in the backyard. It was a truly glorious effort and I golfed that hole hard.

There are plenty of places in America where it is reasonable to install a putting green, Laguna Beach in California is not one of those places. The real estate is insanely expensive and space for a putting green is reserved for the extra wealthy.

Unless you manage to find a run down rental with character and an unprecedented amount of back yard. I called every game in town and ended up going with Hunter from Thresher Turf. These guys were reasonably priced and promised a quality product. I gave Hunter a tour of the backyard and we decided to build Laguna Beach National.

Phase 1: The 5.5 HP Honda Vibratory Plate Compactor Tamper Phase

The crew starts off by preparing the surface for installation. In this case it was pick axes and shovels to clear all of the garbage off of the future terrain of Laguna Beach National. The excitement builds during phase two as the wheel barrows full of sand and dirt started down the stairs to build a solid foundation.

The heat really starts to rise when the 5.5 HP Honda Vibratory Plate Compactor Tamper comes out to flatten and compact the surface. This was clearly an upgrade from my amateur efforts back in Fort Wayne Indiana.

The 5.5 HP Honda Vibratory Plate Compactor Tamper is a serious force.

Phase 2: The Maxwell Muffin Phase

At this point in the process, a lot of people in the neighborhood are starting to take notice and the local golfers are lining up to get their names on the tee sheet. It’s clear that something magical is being created.

Thresher Turf has a game plan and they are executing it flawlessly. The process even allows for a bit of flexibility where the architect is able to implement their own personal design features and tailor the green to their specific specifications. I knew that I had a limited canvas to work with so I decided to implement something simple… a lone “Maxwell Muffin.” The Maxwell Muffin is simply a small mound or rise in an area of the green that adds an exponential amount of interest and challenge to any green. These muffins were inspired from my experience at Old Town Club and its splendid Perry Maxwell greens.

The final touches around the surface edges.

The Maxwell Muffin at Laguna Beach National is created.

The turf gets rolled into position.

Phase 3: Get Hammered Phase

With the turf finally rolled out over the newly undulated green it was time to hammer the green and surrounding rough into place. With a golf course this fancy, people are probably going to try to steal it. We nailed that sucker down and she isn’t going anywhere. Good luck golf course thieves. Once the hammering was done, the pin flags were placed and Laguna Beach National was born.

Phase 4: Admiration and Social Media Phase

As a golf course photographer and social media dude, I felt a responsibility to share Laguna Beach National with the world. As usual on social media, I did this just to make people jealous of me and my fancy new golf course. Please enjoy the before and after shots and the official “Making of Laguna National” post below.



Phase 5: Accessorization Phase

No elite level golf course is complete without a logo, a proper golf bench, and a ball washer. Fortunately Laguna Beach National has all three of those things. The logo sign has been ordered, the ball washer is on its way and the bench is on the delivery truck. Naturally I went with the finest accessories in the game from the fine folks over at Par Aide. My dream as a child has finally came true and the tee sheet is fully booked for the next 6 months.

If you are looking to make your putting green dreams come true, get in touch with the team over at Thresher Turf. Just ask for Hunter and tell them Large Marge sent ya.