How many times have you thrown up your arms in frustration after not being able to find the nearest moderately priced, public Pete Dye golf course that has a spa for the wife, a high degree of walkability, a nearby casino, and a limited number of homes on the golf course within a few seconds? While this is an exaggeration, the sentiment is real. If you are anything like me, you are constantly searching for that perfect golf course that fits exactly what you are looking for.
I am always looking to round out my golf journeys with the closest and best options. For years, this was a painstaking process that was difficult and frustrating at times. Those times have changed quickly with Open Links Golf. This is without a doubt the greatest golf course search engine that I have ever seen.
I have long stated that “all great things start in Chicago” and this story is no exception. After grinding away 10+ years with a leading financial software company, Paul Storie decide to take control of his life and start his own golf and travel company. Paul quickly built a robust golf travel spreadsheet that he used as a resource to plan his events. When he realized that others who shared his passion for golf travel and architecture would enjoy access to this information, Paul did something magical. He released that information to the world and created Open Links Golf.
With his background in software Paul has create a smooth experience with more searchable golf course data points than I thought were possible. Perhaps you have a specific architect in mind, or maybe you are looking for a top 100 US Open venue nearby. Open Links even has a weather category that can help you plan the best season and region for your golf trip. All of these are searchable parameters that display neatly on a Google maps interface.
Perhaps my favorite searchable feature is the Housing Index category. Every golf course aficionado knows that a course with a lot of houses on the property takes the overall vibe significantly downwards. In the past I would search google maps to get an idea of how many houses were on a particular golf course. Open Links Golf has taken this to a completely different level. To get an idea on the data they have compiled, check this out.
PGA West has a high housing index
Sutton Bay has a low housing index
Another searchable gem is the walkability category. Open Links Golf has dug into the science of walking using official formulas like Scarf’s Equivalence and Naismith’s rule. Fret not, Langmuir’s corrections are already baked into the simple to understand walking categories of easy, moderate, strenuous, and very strenuous. One could say that Open Links Golf has already done the “leg work” for you.
One of my favorite tough walks, Chambers Bay is always worth it.
In addition to all of the analytics and searchable parameters, Open Links takes it one step further with course ratings. Since not everything about a golf course can be put into a definitive number, they have enlisted the court of public opinion to add some finishing touches. By breaking these ratings down into course and experience categories, the user can hone in on exactly what matters most to them.
Open LInks Golf is a completely free tool that anyone can use to identify their perfect golf course for their given situation. If you are a Top 100 list checker or just an avid fan of golf courses, Open Links is an extremely handy tool. Just register below to get moving with Open Links.