Product Reviews

The Golf Towel ?

Because I was so wildly pleased with my Sunday Golf bag. I decided to scan the Sunday scene for anything else that the company offers. What I set my sights on was perhaps the most under analyzed thing in the golf bag... the golf towel.

So why spend time reading about a golf towels? Please enjoy my 5 reasons on why you need to consider the golf towel a serious part of your accessory repertoire. It deserves your attention.

  1. Real Estate - The golf towel occupies some serious advertising space on your golf bag. When fellow golfers look at your golf bag, the golf towel will be one of the first things that they see. You need to lead with a strong impression.

  2. Skill Level - You can learn a lot about a golfer just from the type of golf towel that they carry. If a golfer has one of those tri-fold deals with the metal ring, they aren’t breaking 90. If they have a big white one with no logos, you need to avoid the Nassau with them. in non sand bagging situations, it is recommended that you look at least as good as your skill level.

  3. Style - Are you a golf course nerd? Do you have a favorite city or sports team? Maybe even a favorite television show? A good golf towel gets the party started by giving others an insight into your personality and seriously upgrade your style game. I have chosen to go with California because it is undoubtedly the raddest state in the USA. In turn, this promotes my own radness.

  4. Cleanliness - I like to pick a towel with a dark side and light side, then I use the dark side for the majority of my cleanings. This strategy preserves my powerful towel presence. You will still have to wash the towel intermittently in order to avoid looking like a total dirt bag hobo.

  5. Performance - Its not all about the look with the golf towel. A good golf towel will hold water well, clean dirt effectively, and stand up over the course of time. A nice microfiber waffle blend will do the trick.

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Fortunately, Sunday Golf fits the bill on just about all of these 5 key parameters regarding the golf towel. Do yourself a favor and check out the full lineup over at Sunday Golf.